The Ranch
The house
Living quarters and all buildings were built in 2008 and sooner with prime building location on top of hill to capture a long view of country. Conveniently centrally located between Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth, and Houston.
Accommodations include ten beds with six upstairs in a bunkhouse format and two private bedrooms downstairs, separate Ranch Hand living quarters with living room/kitchen/bath (500 sq ft +/-), wrap around porch, two flatscreen TV’s with DirecTV and Blue Ray DVD Players.
Multiple Archery tripods and ground blinds – All roads maintained regularly – 20 miles +/- interior roads and 5 miles of high fence – 1/2 mile of improved gravel entry roads from main gate to lodge – 2 acre horse pen with loafing shed – Eight all season tanks – Multiple ponds managed for trophy fish-Florida Largemouth and two stocked with Channel Cats One stocked with feeder fish – High fence set in 20 yards to protect both sides of High Fence for maintenance and control purposes – 50×80 barn with built out house – barndominium 2200 +/- living area with central heat and air – 500lb Manitowok Commercial Ice Make – 4 deer cleaning stations with Electric Winches – 10×10 ARS Walk in cooler. Lots of Rack space in Barn and Cleaning Facility.
the ranch
Multiple Archery tripods and ground blinds – All roads maintained regularly – 20 miles +/- interior roads and 5 miles of high fence – 1/2 mile of improved gravel entry roads from main gate to lodge – 2 acre horse pen with loafing shed – Eight all season tanks – Multiple ponds managed for trophy fish-Florida Largemouth and two stocked with Channel Cats One stocked with feeder fish – High fence set in 20 yards to protect both sides of High Fence for maintenance and control purposes – 50×80 barn with built out house – barndominium 2200 +/- living area with central heat and air – 500lb Manitowok Commercial Ice Make – 4 deer cleaning stations with Electric Winches – 10×10 ARS Walk in cooler. Lots of Rack space in Barn and Cleaning Facility.